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Pharmacists, and other medical professionals, seek to reduce errors by the use of high-tech pharmacy equipment. Of course, patient drug compliance is a factor as well. If pharmacists, with the use of prescription scales, and patients work together, we can save billions.
"The American healthcare system overspends by $200 billion, 8% of its healthcare budget, because medications are not being used responsibly by doctors and patients every year, says a new report issued by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics." -Christian Nordqvist, Medication Misuse Costs $200 Billion In Avoidable Expenditure, MedicalNewsToday.com
There are multiple activities that increase healthcare costs unnecessarily. Here are the objurgations that lie with the professionals. Treatments that are scientifically proven to be effective are not being administered promptly. Pharmaceutical errors, such as wrongly prescribed drugs, the use of outdated medications, and the lack of awareness of the adverse effects of some medication combinations, are other issues. Also, professionals are under-prescribing generic drugs and over-prescribing antibiotics.
Patients are not off the hook. They often forget to take medication which inhibits healthcare cost at an astounding $105 billion a year. The increasing usage of analytics, plus better collaboration among pharmacists is the answer to curbing this downfall.
As mentioned earlier, the reduction of medication errors will dramatically solve this budget problem. One solution is the use of the proper pharmacy equipment. Torbal prescription scales have features which help prevent wrongly prescribed drugs, the use of outdated medications, the lack of awareness of the adverse effects of some medication combinations, and more.
Responsible professionals and patients can reduce the healthcare budget easily. Professionals need to use the right tools, and patients need to follow directions. Contact us to learn more about our prescription scales and cutting healthcare cost.
The Pharmacy APW Co-op for Pill Counting Automation – coming soon… |
The advent of the Torbal two-step pill counting system, for establishing the average piece weights of pills, combined with the 2D barcode label on all drug supply bottles, has led to the creation of a Pharmacy Cooperative where pharmacies agree to share a common database of average piece weights which are stored on a central server provided by Fulcrum Inc. Each member pharmacy has access to a central database of average pill weights stored by NDC code and lot number. Each member agrees to be the provider of average piece weight information when they encounter a new NDC code and lot number combination until the system provides that information. |
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