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TORBAL ® Rx brings you pillcounting.com - experience our tablet counters, learn about our technology, understand the features...
The DRX-4C2 is an excellent tool for compounding and recipe making. The compounding feature will add up the recipe ingredients and print a detailed receipt. While compounding, the scale stores the weights of each ingredient in its memory and allows the user at any time to tally the recipe. A printed receipt indicates the date and time of the performed transaction. It will also list in order the weight of each ingredient and indicate the total of the recipe.
Pharmacy Automation - Sense and Nonsense |
One of the greatest areas of interest in pharmacy automation is pill counting and the forms of automation that have grown around it, probably because it is both time consuming and drudgery. The devices range from single pill counting stations to 200 cell robotics centers that begin with unlabeled vials and end with finished scripts. The price range for these devices is spectacular, starting at about $2000 for a single station at the low end, to over $250,000 at the high end. |
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