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Are Pill Counters Contaminated? |
It's a question that no customer at your pharmacy will probably ever ask. It's true. When your customers come in to get a prescription filled, some of them are placing their lives in your hands. All of them are placing their health in your hands. You won't find any of them asking your pharmacy technicians if your pill counters are contaminated because the fact is, they're just not thinking about it. Contamination isn't for pharmacies, at least not in the eyes of your customers. Contamination is something that happens to meat that's not handled the proper way, or produce that comes into contact with salmonella. In fact, the Canadian news website, The Globe and Mail recently published an article that discussed the recall of Halloween candy this year. It was discovered that the individually-wrapped chocolate Kisses contained metal fragments, so the article served as a warning to customers as well as retail outlets. |
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