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TORBAL ® Rx brings you pillcounting.com - experience our tablet counters, learn about our technology, understand the features...
When using features such as prescription size or Rx verification, the TORBAL server monitors and records pill counting transactions to make sure that verification was performed successfully and that the count was filled accurately. If a user causes a miscount, by filling too many or not enough pills as required, or if a user fails Rx verification, the server instantly sends out an email alert to all administrators with a notification. This becomes especially useful when dispensing C2 narcotics or expensive drugs.
Pill Counting and New Pharmacy Automation |
Pharmacy Management Systems (PMS) are very important in terms of running a modern retail pharmacy. Functions like order entry, whether done by deciphering a handwritten script or taking a telephone message from a nurse, are well done in most of these systems. Other management functions, like purchasing, accounting, billing, script label generation, inventory control, completed script status, and report generation for all of these functions are usually well done. However, the basic primary physical function of filling scripts is still done without automation, or is only partially automated at best.
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