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This feature allows the user to print a record of a performed counting transaction. The printed receipt indicates the date and time of the performed transaction, as well as the NDC code, drug name, average piece weight and the actual count. The printer can print the receipt automatically when the transaction is finished or manually with the push of the data transfer key.
Pharmacy Automation Evaluation Parameters – Part 1 |
The usual standard used for reference in pill counting time is the time it takes to fill a script manually using a counting tray. These times vary depending upon the operator. The following times are based upon averaging the results of many operators and are for pill counting only (do not include fetching the supply bottle from its storage place or any drug verification); The general form of an equation for this operation would be P = nV + C, where P is the number of pills counted, n is the number of 5 pill sweeps made with the counting spatula, V is the time per sweep in seconds, and C is the time spent in setting up the counting (opening the supply bottle, pouring an adequate amount out on the tray, pouring the counted pills into the customers vial, pouring the excess back into the supply bottle, and screwing the cap back on the supply bottle)
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