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TORBAL ® Rx brings you pillcounting.com - experience our tablet counters, learn about our technology, understand the features...
The user can print a record of any counting procedure. The printout shows date and time of the transaction; NDC code; drug name; production LOT number; average piece weight and the actual count. The printout can be used as a logging tool for counting.
Maximize Savings and Safety with Torbal's High-Tech Pharmacy Equipment |
The 2013 Summer Meeting of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, recently held in Minneapolis, highlighted some innovative technology that improves medication safety while decreasing costs and waste. The key factors discussed at the meeting are also featured components in our Torbal pharmacy equipment. There's no doubt, barcode scanning has become a factor in safely tracking lot numbers, drug expiration dates, and more. The potential for errors is significantly reduced thanks to the handheld barcode scanner with automatic activation. Improvements have been made, especially in compounding, allowing the pharmacist to scan information instead of manually walking over to the preparation area to verify the compounding drug, then manually recording the information. I mean, who handwrites letters (or anything for that matter) anymore? |
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