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TORBAL ® Rx brings you pillcounting.com - experience our tablet counters, learn about our technology, understand the features...
Capacity (Max) | 200g |
Readability (d) | 0.001g |
Repeatability (Standard Deviation) | 0.001g |
Linearity | +/- 0.002g |
Stabilization time (typical) | Approx. 3s |
Calibration | Internal and Automatic |
Tare Range | -200, -300g |
Accuracy Class | II |
Pan Dimensions | 120mm |
Scale Dimensions | 216 x 345 x 90mm |
Operating Temperature | +15C to +30C |
RS232 Port | Bidirectional |
PS2 Keyboard Port | Standard |
MW (Minimum Weight) | 30 mg ( 3 e ) |
MSS (Minimum Sample Size) | 10 pieces |
Sample Size Selection | 10, 30, 60 |
Compounding with Analog Pharmacy Balances |
The importance of a properly maintained balance to the modern pharmacy cannot be overstated. It is simply impossible to imagine a pharmacy in the United States operating without a pharmacy behind the counter. As the over-50 population of the United States begins to swell as the Baby Boom generation ages, the volume of prescriptions and compoundings performed by the average pharmacist is only going to increase. It is important that pharmacies have the best quality balances they can afford, and that those working behind the counter know how to use them properly and safely. |
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