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TORBAL ® Rx brings you pillcounting.com - experience our tablet counters, learn about our technology, understand the features...
Navigation Keys enable the user to intuitively work with the scale’s menus and configuration procedures within seconds. Dual TARE keys are located on each side of the unit for greater convenience.
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The Pharmacy APW Co-op for Pill Counting Automation – coming soon… |
The advent of the Torbal two-step pill counting system, for establishing the average piece weights of pills, combined with the 2D barcode label on all drug supply bottles, has led to the creation of a Pharmacy Cooperative where pharmacies agree to share a common database of average piece weights which are stored on a central server provided by Fulcrum Inc. Each member pharmacy has access to a central database of average pill weights stored by NDC code and lot number. Each member agrees to be the provider of average piece weight information when they encounter a new NDC code and lot number combination until the system provides that information. |
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