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TORBAL ® Rx brings you pillcounting.com - experience our tablet counters, learn about our technology, understand the features...
The large pixel type LCD display allows for graphics and full-text onscreen instruction to be displayed while counting pills. The pill counting function is designed as a short wizard that leads the user step-by-step through this simple operation. During the count the scale displays detailed drug information which is visibly organized on the scale's LCD.
Reduce Healthcare Costs by Using the Right Prescription Scales and Directing Patients |
Pharmacists, and other medical professionals, seek to reduce errors by the use of high-tech pharmacy equipment. Of course, patient drug compliance is a factor as well. If pharmacists, with the use of prescription scales, and patients work together, we can save billions. "The American healthcare system overspends by $200 billion, 8% of its healthcare budget, because medications are not being used responsibly by doctors and patients every year, says a new report issued by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics." -Christian Nordqvist, Medication Misuse Costs $200 Billion In Avoidable Expenditure, MedicalNewsToday.com
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