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Transactions recorded by the TORBAL Server are gathered into seven different reports. The "All Transactions Report" displays information regarding all performed pill counting transaction. Each transaction is stamped with a date and a time, and indicates the user name, workstation ID, drug name and NDC, as well as the actual count. Other reports such as the "User Transactions" or the "Unit Transactions" display transactions that were performed by a specific user, or on a specific DRX workstation. Each report can be printed in a printer friendly format or exported to a spread sheet in a .csv format. When exporting data to a spreadsheet, the system automatically generates .csv file and opens it in your default spreadsheet program.
Pill Counting and New Pharmacy Automation |
Pharmacy Management Systems (PMS) are very important in terms of running a modern retail pharmacy. Functions like order entry, whether done by deciphering a handwritten script or taking a telephone message from a nurse, are well done in most of these systems. Other management functions, like purchasing, accounting, billing, script label generation, inventory control, completed script status, and report generation for all of these functions are usually well done. However, the basic primary physical function of filling scripts is still done without automation, or is only partially automated at best.
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