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When performing a counting transaction, the remaining to fill feature assists in achieving cut off at the proper pill count. When the feature is enabled, in addition to the displayed pill count, the display shows an “Add” and “Remove” indicators. The indicators inform how many more pills must be placed in the vial to achieve the desired count, and indicates “0” at the target count. This feature helps to prevent overfilling. If too many pills are added, an overfill indicator displays the number of pills that should be removed from the vial.
A Clear Forecast for the Future of Medical Technology |
Medical technology is advancing at an astounding rate, and more lives are being saved because of it. Simple renovations to barcodes, glucose monitors, and even pill counting scales are happening. With all that said, the future of medical technology is impressive. GlaxoSmithKline announced recently that they will be using two-dimensional (2D) barcodes on the majority of their U.S. vaccines. The perk of these new barcodes is that they are smaller, yet they contain more information. GSK believes that these state-of-the-art barcodes are a natural progression as we move toward electronic medical records. |
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